Friday, March 31, 2017

Sichuan Normal University in Chengdu

Today, I spoke to a class of Post Graduate Students and Supervisors studying law.  These students were most interested in how Non-Governmental Organizations are impacting social welfare in the United States.  We talked at length about Saint Francis Community Services.  I greatly enjoyed this experience.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Chengdu Municipal People's Procuratorate Presentation

Earlier this week, I met with two Chengdu Prosecutors.  The conversation was a good one.  While I did not know it at the time of our discussion, one of the Prosecutors was a high ranking official.  He was very kind to me and at the conclusion of our meeting, he asked if I would speak to all the Prosecutors of Chengdu about the juvenile systems in Kansas.  He said that he would call a special session for the sixty Prosecutors to hear my presentation.  I told him that I would be happy to do this. Yesterday, I studied both the Child In Need Of Care Code and the Juvenile Offender Code as I had brought multiple copies of each for distribution.  Today was the big day.  The Director of the Wuhou New Zone Youth Development Center drove Sunny and myself and others to the Chengdu Municipal People's Procuratorate.  This was a massive structure that looked similar to our Nation's Capital.  We were met as we pulled into the gate by the Prosecutor who I had met with and who had arranged the meeting.  Upon being ushered in, I was taken to the office of Chengdu's highest ranking Prosecutor.  We talked for about ten minutes regarding the similarities and differences between our respective child welfare systems.  After our discussion, I was led to the chamber floor and introduced to all the Prosecutors.  After that, I spoke from 2:30pm until 4:30pm.  During this time many questions were asked by the Prosecutors.  Sunny was my interpreter and she did a fantastic job.  After the presentation, we were escorted out and I returned to the New Zone Youth Development Center to prepare for my presentation tomorrow at the University for Post Graduate students and supervisors studying social work and the law.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Daily Walk to Work

Sunny took a picture of my daily walk to work.  It is most enjoyable.

Test Preparation

A good portion of today was spent preparing for my test tomorrow.  What test, you might ask?  Well, I will hold the answer to that question until tomorrow's post.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Meeting with Chengdu Prosecutors

Yesterday, I met with two Chengdu Prosecutors at the New Zone Youth Development Center.  We exchanged information on our respective Juvenile Justice systems.  I learned a great deal from these two gentlemen.

Monday, March 27, 2017

U.S. Consulate

At 3:30PM today, Sunny and I had a very productive and enjoyable conversation with Elizabeth from the U.S. Consulate here in Chengdu.  Elizabeth is the Cultural Affairs Officer for the U. S. Consulate. She asked many good questions and was very supportive of developing U.S. China relations.  I am grateful to her for giving us time to speak about the exchange of information going on during my visit specifically as it relates to child welfare law.  This is a photograph that Sunny took of Liz and I with the Kansas Code for Care of Children.

With a little help from my friends

Yesterday afternoon, Sunny said she was going to dinner with a friend and Sunny asked if I wanted to go.  I said sure and we went.  I had the best time meeting Sonny's friend and her family.  These folks were so kind and so was the wine.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Oriental Holy Land Foundation

Today, I met with the Director and Representatives of the Oriental Holy Land Foundation.  This Foundation is committed to helping disadvantaged children.  This meeting happened at the Global Center of Chengdu.

I also tried my hand at writing in Chinese Calligraphy (and I failed the test).

Saturday, March 25, 2017

New Zone Youth Development Discussions

Today was spent in conversations with representatives of the Wuhou New Zone Youth Development Center of Chengdu.  Ms. Lou arrived at the Blue City Hotel this morning and walked Margot and I to the Center.  There was a great deal of activity there today.
The picture above shows a Father with his Daughter as she is painting.  The picture directly below shows the children learning English by interacting with the teacher as she reads the book "Five Little Monkeys". These kids are doing a great job with learning the English language.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Productive Day in Beijing

This morning, Thursday, March 23, 2017, started with 8:00am breakfast at the Holiday Inn restaurant.  Margo and I ate together and I really enjoyed the food options.  Ultimately, I ended up selecting:  bacon, doughnut, waffle, more bacon, orange juice and more.  At 9:00am, Margo and I were met by Cindy, a representative of the China Global Philanthropy Institute.  We walked across the street and met with representatives from CGPI.
I am the one at the far right.

Next, Margo, Irene, and I walked down the street and attended a meeting at the China Philanthropy Research Institute.  Here we met several workers with the Child Welfare Research Center, including their Associate Director and their Program Officer.  These representatives were very pleasant and asked many good questions about our child welfare system in the United States.
 This was during our lunch break.

Our final visit of the day was about twenty minutes away at the China Youth Development Foundation.  Three Representatives from CYDF took time to talk with us including Qi Qige who serves as the Department of Project Hope Affairs Science, Arts & Sports Program Officer.  This was also a wonderful conversation with much information being shared.
Great experience with these people.

Tomorrow, Margot and I depart Beijing bound for Chengdu with our arrival time being approximately 4:15pm.  Activities will be arranged by the host organization in Chengdu, which is the Wuhou New Zone Youth Development Center of Chengdu.  So far, this trip has been a wealth of information sharing and very productive.  I am looking forward to the days ahead.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Room With A View

Here is a photograph I just took out my seventh floor window at the Beijing Holiday Inn. Many of the businesses here have both Chinese and English signage which is nice. The time of this posting is 7:44pm Beijing time.  I continue to be grateful for this experience and for all those reading these posts.

Not in Kansas No Mo

That was one giant leap of a trip with 13 hours of flying time aboard a 787 jetliner.  American Airlines did a great job.  I arrived in Beijing at 2:20pm today (which is Wednesday, March 23).  It appears to be about 7:18am back in Kansas.  I met Margot with the National Committee which is a private, non-profit, non-partisan, non-government educational institution.  Margot, is the greatest.  She found me at the airport and we got into a taxi and checked into the Holiday Inn here in Beijing.  I unpacked my bag and then went to see what Beijing is like.  The people here are friendly but in a hurry.  I visited a China Mobile Phone store, a bank, and just finished eating at a really nice restaurant that Margo and I were taken to by our Beijing contact, Irene.  I ate roasted duck.  It was good.  Tomorrow at 9:10am, Irene has set up a meeting for me to speak with Beijing workers on new social welfare policy here.  This will be a productive meeting.
Here is a view from my seat.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Waiting to board international flight in Dallas bound for Beijing.
I just cleared security at the Dwight D. Eisenhower airport in Wichita.  Both my backpack and tray required extra screening due to the liquids that I have.  All went well and now I am sitting alone with about one hour and forty five minutes before boarding for Dallas.  Gate 6 is quiet.  I debated about posting a picture I took of myself when I woke at 4:50AM this morning.  The debate in my head did not last long.  No posting.  Thank You for reading my blog and for posting comments.  It gives me motivation to keep on typing.

Monday, March 20, 2017

This message supportive of Eliquis.  On a 15 hour international flight, you cannot afford to suffer from a blood clot.  Just one 2.5 mg tablet can thin your blood and improve your travel experience.  I will take one tablet just before boarding the plane and this little helper lasts 12 hours so I should be covered for the bulk of my flight.
Chinese Philosopher, Lao Tzu, once said, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."  My journey began this morning with a single step toward my 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee which I drove to Wichita.  I was able to make good time by following a black Toyota Highlander with Saline County plates.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

My flight departs Wichita at 8:00AM on Tuesday bound for Dallas and then....arrival in Beijing at 2:55PM on Wednesday, March 22.  My 7 year old son asked why I was not going to drive my car to China so we had an impromptu geography lesson.  My bags are packed and I'm ready to go.  Greatest concerns at this point are the weight limits on the luggage.  I know on international flights the checked bag has a 50 pound weight limit and within China the checked bag has a maximum weight of 44 pounds.  I placed my bag on the bathroom scale and it was at 50.5 pounds.  So, I am going to jettison some items.  My daughter gave me her most prized possession to take which is a frog named "Ribbet" so this cannot be on the removal list.  I was also introduced to the Google Translator app which is remarkable.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Preparations continue on this day, March 15, 2017.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Today is Tuesday, March 14, 2017.  The time is 8:19PM CST.  I am watching the movie "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind" with my son as I review my travel plan for China.  I have never seen this motion picture and I have never been to China.  Tonight, I am also blogging for the first time.  My dog is not interested in the movie.