Thursday, March 30, 2017

Chengdu Municipal People's Procuratorate Presentation

Earlier this week, I met with two Chengdu Prosecutors.  The conversation was a good one.  While I did not know it at the time of our discussion, one of the Prosecutors was a high ranking official.  He was very kind to me and at the conclusion of our meeting, he asked if I would speak to all the Prosecutors of Chengdu about the juvenile systems in Kansas.  He said that he would call a special session for the sixty Prosecutors to hear my presentation.  I told him that I would be happy to do this. Yesterday, I studied both the Child In Need Of Care Code and the Juvenile Offender Code as I had brought multiple copies of each for distribution.  Today was the big day.  The Director of the Wuhou New Zone Youth Development Center drove Sunny and myself and others to the Chengdu Municipal People's Procuratorate.  This was a massive structure that looked similar to our Nation's Capital.  We were met as we pulled into the gate by the Prosecutor who I had met with and who had arranged the meeting.  Upon being ushered in, I was taken to the office of Chengdu's highest ranking Prosecutor.  We talked for about ten minutes regarding the similarities and differences between our respective child welfare systems.  After our discussion, I was led to the chamber floor and introduced to all the Prosecutors.  After that, I spoke from 2:30pm until 4:30pm.  During this time many questions were asked by the Prosecutors.  Sunny was my interpreter and she did a fantastic job.  After the presentation, we were escorted out and I returned to the New Zone Youth Development Center to prepare for my presentation tomorrow at the University for Post Graduate students and supervisors studying social work and the law.


  1. Kevin this is so incredible! You are PERFECT for the work and the role of advocacy in China! Thank you so much for continuing to write/post. Please send the kids and staff my very best! Kay

    1. Thank You, Kay. You have helped me so much. Everything you provided me to prepare for this trip was spot on!

  2. Wow...what an opportunity Kevin! Sounds very exciting. I'm sure they appreciated your comments very much. It was a great learning experience all the way around I imagine. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Kevin, you are such a great ambassador. Saint Francis will continue to help children around the world because of your example.
